Trieste – The House of bisse
Today we take you to know one of the most curious buildings of the enchanting city of Trieste. You can easily find it by walking along Via San Lazzaro, behind Piazza Sant’Antonio, until you reach number 15. Here, in 1771, was built on a project by the architect Bubolini the beautiful Casa Allodi, which later became known as “House of bisse”.
The House of bisse is a building in neoclassical style with elements of French rococo. This building has undergone subsequent interventions and the current appearance does not reflect the original idea at all. The two cast metal balconies, for example, undoubtedly date back to the mid-800. In addition, the building had initially only two floors, only later was added the third and then the attic.
One of the peculiarities of the building that jumps immediately to the eye, is the sculptural complex above the door. This snake represents Napoleon, defeated in the Battle of Leipzig in 1813 (the year in which it was affixed), and the eagles are the three victorious nations, Austria, Prussia and Russia, while the golden ball represents the world that Napoleon’s armies until then victorious seemed to conquer.
A second peculiarity of the House of bisse is inserted in the carving of the wood of the door. The French troops arrived in the city on several occasions and during one of these occupations the Napoleonic eagle was carved here.
The third peculiarity is found inside the door, where a cannon ball is embedded in a wall with a plaque that reads: “Hoc me ornamento galli affecerunt MDCCIX”. It is possible that in 1813 during the fighting between the Castle of San Giusto in the hands of the French and the center occupied by the Austrians, some shot has come here, but without really hit the house and in any case not in 1809.
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